We have been providing solar power installations to San Diego, our backyard, for over 15 years. Solar energy is the most cost-effective and efficient energy source for your home, and we are on the frontlines of solar power, and all it has to offer.
Solar power gives you control over your monthly utility bill and rising energy costs. It can save you lots of money and increase the value of your home. And solar power helps the environment by lowering your carbon footprint. But solar is only one part of a host of environmental issues in San Diego. Pollution is a problem, and Semper Solaris is at the forefront of finding solutions beginning with homes.
According to an article in the San Diego Tribune, San Diego is one of the most polluted cities in the U.S. If breathing outdoor air is a hazard to your health in San Diego, how can we mitigate the effects of pollution? What are the steps we can take to protect ourselves from poor quality outdoor air? We can check the Air Now website and stay indoors during particularly high pollution. But what about the air quality inside our homes?
Did you know that indoor air pollution affects you even more than outdoor air pollution? We all want to clean up the environment and breathe clean air, enjoy clean water, and eliminate toxicity in the environment overall. And while solar power is the number one renewable energy in the world and holds the promise of clean energy, indoor air pollution is a serious health issue worldwide. Heating and air conditioning in San Diego is the key to better indoor air quality and protecting your health from the effects of air pollutants.
Do you or anyone in your family have allergies or respiratory problems? Poor air quality can contribute to your health problems and even cause them. Respiratory ailments and allergies from biological pollutants, including spores, mites, bacteria, and mold, as well as chemical pollution from common household contaminants. These contaminants reside in the home, infiltrate the air you breathe and are the cause of many serious health problems, including asthma in children.
Technological advances in HVAC have enhanced the usefulness and efficiency of Heating and Air Conditioning. New energy-efficient systems not only heat and cool your indoor air, but they also filter and clean it and help attain an indoor air quality that is comfortable, protected, and efficient. Semper Solaris is proud to offer the best of both worlds with heating and air conditioning services in San Diego, along with our expert solar power installations for the highest efficiency HVAC systems.
Solar power makes it much more affordable to run your HVAC around the clock while keeping your home comfortable. You can take advantage of the many modern advancements that not only save on electricity but improve the air quality with a variety of filters, air cleaners, and other addons available. New, upgraded HVAC can benefit your air quality and your health.
Semper Solaris offers heating and air conditioning installation in San Diego. We can customize your HVAC for the air quality, safety, and comfort best suited for your family. With the combination of energy-efficient HVAC and solar power, you can't lose.