Sick of searching high and wide for the best solar company in Imperial Beach?
The search is over!
Semper Solaris has been a pillar of the solar power industry in Imperial Beach for years. When residents see the name Semper Solaris, they don't just see a solar company, they see a name they can trust.
A name they can rely on.
Are you an Imperial Beach local who has been considering the switch to alternative energy? Think solar power might be your solution? Well, you thought right! Solar power cuts monthly energy costs, helps the environment, and helps you declare your energy independence! And these days solar is more affordable and accessible than ever before!
Best Solar Panels Imperial Beach
Imperial Beach is among the most magnificent beach communities in all of California, and it is nestled between the border of the US and Mexico. Imperial Beach gets copious amounts of sunshine and offers a variety of solar tax breaks and incentives, making it one of the best places in the state to go solar!
Switching to solar gives YOU the freedom to rely less on power providers and more on yourself! PLUS, lower energy expenses, a lower carbon footprint, and a rise in the value of your home!
Imperial Home Owners
CALL (619) 432-4222
The Residential Solar Panel Breakdown
Solar Panels:
Cut Costs
The addition of residential solar in Imperial Beach will forever change your relationship with power. Whether you realize it or not, you have been "renting" your power for the majority of your life. What if you could own your power? The average Semper Solaris customer reports an almost immediate drop to their electric bill and some customers have even eliminated their electric bill entirely. Want to know what that feels like? There is only one way to find out!
Pay For Themselves
The government believes in the benefit of solar power and to prove it they will pay you to go solar! All Imperial beach residents and CA citizens are eligible for the federal investment tax credit (ITC) as well as any state and local incentives that may be available. The point is, YOU will get paid to go solar! The ITC will cover 30% of the total cost of your solar installation project! That is over a quarter of the cost of going solar you will not have to worry about!
Save Money
Yes as you have already learned solar panels save you money! But how?
When your solar system produces too much electricity, it is then "bought back" by the utility company which offsets a solar user’s overall electric costs. This is the direct process of how solar power saves you money!
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Get Solar in Imperial Beach
Best Solar Company in Imperial Beach
The Imperial Beach Solar Installation Leader
When people think solar installation in Imperial Beach they think: Semper Solaris.
Since the day we opened our doors, Semper Solaris has been serving San Diego and the surrounding areas like Imperial Beach. As a company, we grew alongside the local community and established deep roots with everything and anything solar.
Semper Solaris is at the forefront of solar installation, technology, and innovation. It is our goal to bring the innovative technology of solar power to as many people as possible across the state of California. From small cities like Imperial Beach to large metropolises like Los Angeles. We want to take the state solar!
At Semper, we believe in the power of renewable energy and want to give that power to every CA homeowner.
That power is waiting for you!
Are you going to take it?
Are you ready to join Semper Solaris in the Solar Power revolution?
Move fast or get left behind!
By partnering with only the most reputable manufacturers for our solar products, Semper Solaris is able to provide you with THE BEST SOLAR PANEL AND INSTALLATION WARRANTY in the industry!
Search Solar Companies Near Me to find the nearest Semper Solaris in Imperial Beach.!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d13427.578904626502!2d-117.160451!3d32.715425!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0xb73f2e835bb8974f!2sSemper%20Solaris!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1646414519186!5m2!1sen!2sus
Imperial Beach
964 Fifth Ave #510, San Diego, CA 92101