As solar energy becomes a more popular renewable energy source, switching becomes more and more attractive to homeowners. There are numerous factors to weigh, especially the cost of investing in solar panels compared to the rising cost of electricity. Any type of change can be somewhat intimidating at first. You may be wondering if switching to solar power would be too much of a hassle or if the panels will even last long enough to make the switch worth it. If you need a little motivation to push you over to the solar side, Semper Solaris is here to help.
The earth is full of precious resources that people have been harvesting and using for countless years. However, other resources -- such as certain fossil fuels -- have been causing serious damage to the environment. The health of our environment should far outweigh the benefits of fossil fuels – which is why solar energy has gained significant popularity in the last few decades. The more homes and businesses that switch to solar, the less our world is reliant on more harmful fossil fuels. Instead of being dependent on fossil fuels, a switch to primarily solar can significantly cut back on greenhouse gas emissions.
Not only that, but studies have found that if solar energy was adopted on a wider scale, various respiratory problems could be lessened as well. For example, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that an increase in solar energy usage vs. fossil fuels would cut back on harmful emissions that can sometimes result in bronchitis, respiratory issues, and even cardiovascular problems.
There is no denying that the market for solar is booming. In fact, the International Renewable Energy Agency reported that solar employment has grown 17 times faster than the rest of the country’s economy. More than 250,000 people were employed in the solar industry in 2017, with numbers expected to continue to grow.
Having to stress over the rise and fall of electricity costs can be stressful. You have to monitor and track your use, be conservative with your usage at times that may be convenient, and ultimately, don’t have any control over the prices you are charged. The good news? Switching to solar energy gives you back control. With a solar panel system, you are able to convert the sun’s rays into usable energy for all your household needs. Another positive? In most areas, any excess electricity created will go to the grid and be credited back to you, which means during the evening or on cloudy days, you still have your electricity needs covered.
These are just a few of the most compelling reasons to switch to solar, so if you’d like to learn more about going solar, our solar panel experts can provide insight.