Solar power is the number one renewable energy in the world and leads the way in bringing modern technologies to far-reaching places across the globe. The dawning of smart technology has spurred innovation, pioneering inventions that were fodder for sci-fi movies or books. And thanks to solar power providing electricity, it is delivering necessary modern necessities like heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration as well as medical technology to the global population.
Solar Power is at the center of evolving tech in every field. Why? Because the new technology demands more and more electrical power and it isn't just for smart devices and cars and cool gadgets.
Heating and air conditioning in San Marcos and across the world comprise the largest consumption of energy, and it is growing. The need to heat and cool homes and buildings is outpacing any other sector as far as energy usage.
However, as much as this is good news for the world, HVAC comes with its own unique set of problems. Older HVAC technologies are inefficient and produce more waste, contributing significantly to greenhouse gases, fossil fuels aside. But science and innovative technology are answering that problem with new HVAC technologies that are efficient, clean, and enhancing the impact that solar power is making on our earth.
Semper Solaris is at the forefront of merging solar power with heating and air conditioning services in San Marcos. We offer a full spectrum of options for customizing your home HVAC for your lifestyle and the needs of you and your family. There are new technologies on the horizon that will make your HVAC even more efficient, convenient, and better for your health and comfort.
There has been an explosion of smart technology in the field of heating and air conditioning. And linking Tech, HVAC, and Solar power is a zenith for the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). HVAC is rapidly changing and here are some of the game changers in this partnership of Solar, Smart Tech, and HVAC:
Smart Thermostats have the same capabilities as a programmable thermostat except that it is connected wirelessly to your HVAC. It can measure and control the temperature as well as humidity and adjust based on its reading. Some smart thermostats have motion activation, further reducing HVAC usage.
And HVAC with zone control enables you to regulate and customize the temperatures in your home room by room, moving air to the desired area. You can even do this at specific times of the day or night.
Smart vents allow the AC airflow to be closed off to rooms that are unoccupied at certain times of the day. The vents are motorized and open and close according to the sensors which detect when a room is in use.
Through apps, you can control your HVAC, making sure it is operating efficiently to save money. You turn your HVAC on or off, set temperatures and times, evaluate your energy usage, and detect and troubleshoot problems so you can get maintenance or repairs if you need them. The apps will often work with your HVAC provider to problem solve, cutting down on waiting time for repairs.
Semper Solaris is ready to take on the challenges of new technology with solar and HVAC. We have been at the forefront of solar power technology for many years. The merging of HVAC with solar and smart technology opens a whole new way of making our lives and our homes more comfortable and safer while moving away from wasteful, toxic, fossil-fuels, and emissions that pollute.
With solar power as a source of cost-effective energy, heating and air conditioning installations in San Marcos stand to move the line forward for renewable energy, clean air, and a better way to take care of our homes and families. Call Semper Solaris for an evaluation of your home, and we can help you choose the best options for you and yours.