Zone Control for Air conditioning and Heating is something not a lot of people talk about, ask about, or know about, so, what is it?
When you are home from work, enjoying a lovely evening, you want to be able to have a perfectly cooled or heated home. That can be a difficult thing to achieve in a larger home because there can be areas that aren’t cooled or heated as well as you would like. Also, if you have rooms in your home that you do not frequently use, such as a guest room or a home office, zone control may be a worthwhile investment for you!
Well, it is a series of dampers that allow you to close off vents to rooms that you do not use as much, thus saving on energy costs!
Let’s say that your kitchen and living room receives a lot of sun in the summer, and it gets scorching. You can put those rooms in one zone. That way, you can set the zone temperature lower than other parts of your home so that they all feel equally cool and comfortable.
Your guest rooms can be in another zone. So that you only cool or heat those rooms while you have company, and your bedrooms can be on its own separate zone too. So these rooms can be cool and comfortable while you sleep, but you aren’t wasting energy cooling rooms that aren’t used in the evenings, such as the home office.
A zone control system will prevent hot and cold spots in your home. Each zone has its own thermostat, so controlling the zones is easy!
A trusted company, like Semper Solaris, is now performing air conditioning and heating services in Lakeside. We can evaluate your home to see if it would be beneficial for you. We would love to help!
But wait, I thought my air conditioning guy said not to close vents because it can damage my air conditioner!
That is true, but zone control is a specialized system that will divert air from a closed-off vent back through a series of ducts so that airflow is not compromised and there is no blowback through your ducts that can damage your system.
Depending on the size of your home, and how many rooms you would like to be able to close off, you can save quite a bit of money. Currently, most residents can expect to use 30-45% of their yearly energy on heating and air conditioning! That’s quite a bit of money! Installing a zone control system would allow you to close off vents in rooms that you do not use.
Call us today if you want to speak to a knowledgeable heating and air conditioning installer in Lakeside. We can give you more information, and we can help you decide if it is a good investment for you and your family.